Amana Refrigerator light not working
01 – Amana Refrigerator Light Assembly
The light assembly might be defective. Some manufacturers don’t sell the light assembly components separately, and instead require you to purchase the light assembly.
02 – Amana Refrigerator Light Bulb
The light bulb might be out. Replace the light bulb before replacing any of the other parts associated with the light bulb.
03 – Amana Refrigerator Dispenser Control Board
While it’s not a likely cause, a defective dispenser control board could be responsible for a dispenser light not working. You can inspect the board for signs of burning or a shorted-out component. You can also use a multimeter to determine if the board is sending voltage to the dispenser light’s plug-in connecter. If no voltage is present, you’ll know the board is defective and will need to be replaced.
04 – Amana Refrigerator Light Switch
To determine if the light switch is defective, use a multimeter to test it for continuity. If the light switch does not have continuity, replace it.
05 – Amana Refrigerator Door Switch
To determine if the door switch is defective, use a multimeter to test it for continuity. If the door switch does not have continuity when activated, replace it.
06 – Amana Refrigerator Light Socket
To determine if the light socket is defective, use a multimeter to determine if the socket is getting power. If the socket is getting power, but the light bulb won’t work, this indicates that the light socket is defective. If the light socket is defective, replace it.
07 – Amana Refrigerator Main Control Board
While it’s not a likely cause, a defective main control board could be responsible for a refrigerator light not working. You can inspect the board for signs of burning or a shorted-out component. You can also use a multimeter to determine if the board is sending voltage to the light socket or plug-in connecter. If no voltage is present, you’ll know the board is defective and will need to be replaced.
08 – Amana Refrigerator Light Board
First, ensure that the light board is receiving the proper amount of voltage. If the light board is receiving sufficient voltage, but the refrigerator light will not work, replace the light board.
09 – Door opened too long
On most newer refrigerators, if the door is opened for an extended period of time the control board will shut the light off. Close and open the door to turn the light back on.
10 – Amana Refrigerator Control Board
While it’s not a likely cause, a defective control board could be responsible for a refrigerator light not working. You can inspect the board for signs of burning or a shorted-out component. You can also use a multimeter to determine if the board is sending voltage to the light socket or plug-in connecter. If no voltage is present, you’ll know the board is defective and will need to be replaced.
11 – Amana Refrigerator LED Light
The most likely cause for a refrigerator light not working is the LED light has burned out. You can confirm the light is defective by using a multimeter to test for voltage present at the LED light plug-in wire connecter. If sufficient power is reaching the connecter, you’ll know the LED light itself is faulty and will need to be replaced.